

When an object receives a message it looks for a matching slot, if not found, the lookup continues depth first recursively in its protos. Lookup loops are detected (at runtime) and avoided. If the matching slot contains an activatable object, such as a Block or CFunction, it is activated, if it contains any other type of value it returns the value. Io has no globals and the root object in the Io namespace is called the Lobby.
Since there are no classes, there's no difference between a subclass and an instance. Here's an example of creating a the equivalent of a subclass:

Io> Dog := Object clone
==> Object_0x4a7c0 

The above code sets the Lobby slot "Dog" to a clone of the Object object. Notice it only contains a protos list contains a reference to Object. Dog is now essentially a subclass of Object. Instance variables and methods are inherited from the proto. If a slot is set, it creates a new slot in our object instead of changing the proto:

Io> Dog color := "red"
Io> Dog
==> Object_0x4a7c0:
  color := "red"

Ioプログラミングガイド - オブジェクト - 継承




Io> Dog := Object clone
==> Object_0x4a7c0 


Io> Dog color := "red"
Io> Dog
==> Object_0x4a7c0:
  color := "red"



Io> Dog color := "white"
Io> Lobby Dog color := "white"
